Saturday, July 16, 2011

MRI arthrogram- pictures!

I've already written about arthrograms once here (I go in to way more detail about the process of the procedure, flouroscopy and the MRI scan )Yesterday I had an arthrogram on my left hip to check for a labral tear. (a tear of the gasket-like rim of cartilage on the hip joint called the labrum. The contrast injected into the hip joint during the procedure makes the labrum much easier to see on the MRI scan that follows the procedure.) I sometimes feel like I've had so many hip procedures in the past three years, but when I thought about it I realized that this was only my second arthrogram. All I can say is that I was a ball of nerves before the procedure and there was nothing to be worried about. The initial injection of the number stings a bit but the best part was I couldn't even tell that the contrast needle went into my hip. If you've never had a hip injection before  I'll admit it can be scary. Everyone's experience will be different but the best thing to do is trust your radiologist. From start to finish it tends to only take about 20 minutes and if they inject some numbing agent into the joint with the contrast (which they usually do so you can lie still and pain free for about an hour in the MRI scanner) you'll be pain free for a bit after the procedure. It's a win-win. By all means I'm not saying it's a walk in the park, but it's best to look at things in a positive light. It also really helps to have something fun to look forward too after the procedure (for me, that's ice cream). Bring on the five inch needles!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your post. I have been in excruciating pain and unable to function from hip pain. I finally got the insurance to refer me to an orthopaedic. They have initially diagnosed me with a labral tear. I'm going to be having the arthrogram this week. I hate MRI's (I'm claustrophobic). And the thought of this procedure had me on edge. Until I found your blog and your posts! Thank you for sharing!! I think it is extra cool that you were able to take pictures during the procedure!! Such a big help to me. Just wanted you to know that you have affecting me in a positive way!!
