Thursday, January 27, 2011

warming up

Massachusetts is currently digging itself out of an enormous amount of snow which makes me want spring. It also makes icing my hip not too appealing when it's 10 degrees outside. Thankfully at PT recently I've been getting heat instead of ice. It's pretty wonderful to be wrapped up in two enormous heat packs and four towels in January. Getting good, deep heat on a hip can be difficult but my physical therapist has come up with a method that I am a very big fan of. I think this could be pretty easily done at home with two hot water bottles or two microwaveable heat packs. It doesn't fall off, it gets heat around the entire hip AND it's great for bilateral hippies like me.
  1. Take a flat sheet and fold it into a rope and place it across the bed
  2. Place two heat packs of the sheet with their ends touching so they make a big rectangle
  3. Take bath or hand towels, depending on how big your heat packs are and layer them on top of the packs. (The number of towels depends on hot your heat packs are and how much heat you can tolerate)
  4. Do your best princess and the pea impersonation and lie down on the towels
  5. Tie the sheet around your waist (you can put a wedge or some pillows under your knees if you like) 

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